HRW HPD0460BN V402 Manual 150622.docx E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Feature Summary
6 Digital Outputs (DO) with power up presetting
1 NTC 10k temperature sensor internal (UI1)
1 Universal input (UI) fixed NTC 10k or DI n/o or n/c (UI2)
2 Universal Inputs (UI - user configurable analogue [AI] or binary [DI, n/o or n/c])
8 Virtual Digital Inputs (VDI)
8 Virtual UI’s (VUI)
8 Digital Logic blocks (DL)
8 Analogue Logic blocks (AL)
8 PI Control Loop blocks (CL)
48 Network Interface Objects (NIO) for peer-to-peer connectivity
32 user programmable LCD lines (text and dynamic point per line)
UI’s user scalable and units user settable (C, F, rH, %, Pa, kPa, PPM, etc.)
Connected sensors may be calibrated and filtered by way of the UI configuration
DO change-of-state delay timer (short cycle timer)
365 day time clock & calendar
20 holidays, recurring or one-off event
4 Channel time switch
4 Push buttons, programmable to suit application (DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4)
4 Navigation buttons, up/down/right/left (DI5, DI6, DI7, DI8)
4 LED’s, indication programmable to suit application (DO7, DO8, AO1, AO2)
Audible alarm programmable to suit application (AO3)
LCD Backlight, 60 sec after any button press
Isolated, 256 node (1/8
load), RS485 network driver
Communication speeds from 2400 baud up to 76800 baud
System-wide unique device addressing
BACnet application services; Single-Read, Multiple-Read, Single-Write, Who Is, I Am, Who
Has, I Have
BACnet priority array
Automatic communication resumption after a power loss
PC configuration by text file download using FUNCPROG or by direct parameter settings entry
Upload text file data for retrieving lost application settings, for re-use in other controllers
= Available in Controller versions
= Available in Time Clock versions