HRW HPE-MRBN V401 Manual 170912 E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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After download of the text file the display will indicate a check between lines received and lines
expected (indicated by the 10000=
line count generated in the mapping tool configuration table).
If the lines check is correct then the new data base is loaded, otherwise the old data base will be
reinstalled automatically.
Enable BACnet MS/TP Port
Enter E to enable the BACnet MS/TP communication and enter W to write the enabled state so that it
will still be enabled after a power failure.
Note: To disable enter E again to toggle from enabled to disabled state.
Verify BACnet Network Communication
In terminal mode any scanning of the BACnet network will only occur after the data based points are
added to the Log list:
1) Enter L to place all points on log
2) Enter X to eXit terminal mode so that the gateway freely scans the BACnet network
3) Wait 30 seconds to ensure all points are read in
4) Enter TTTTTTT to go back in to terminal mode
5) Enter D to invoke Diagnostic display (display of true scaled values, as opposed to raw data)