power 11
webcam 6
memory card reader 11
memory, product description 2
location 6
product description 2, 3
microphone jack 12
minimized image recovery 73
minimized image, creating 73
model name 1
mute light 8
operating system, product
description 4, 5
original system recovery 73, 79
packaging guidelines 25
plastic parts, service
considerations 23
DisplayPort 12
product description 3, 4
USB 3.0 10, 12
power button 10, 11
power connector 10
power connector cable
removal 49
spare part number 17, 49
power cord
set requirements 87
spare part numbers 21, 22
power light 11
power requirements, product
description 4
primary storage, product
description 2
processor, product description 1
product description
audio 2, 3
chipset 1
display panel 2
external media cards 3
graphics 1, 2
memory 2
microphone 2, 3
operating system 4, 5
ports 3, 4
power requirements 4
primary storage 2
processors 1
product name 1
security 4
serviceability 5
solid-state drive 2
video 2, 3
wireless 3
product name 1
recovering from the recovery discs
recovering the original system 79
recovery 78
discs 71, 74
HP Recovery Manager 73, 79
media 74
options 72
starting 73
supported discs 71
system 73
USB flash drive 74
using HP Recovery media 71
recovery discs 75
recovery media 75
creating 71
creating using HP Recovery
Manager 71
recovery partition, removing 74
recovery, system 79
removal/replacement procedures
restore points 76
restoring the original system
creating recovery media 75
right-side components 12
RJ45-to-USB adapter dongle, spare
part number 21
Screw Kit, spare part number 22
security, product description 4
service considerations
cables 23
connectors 23
plastic parts 23
serviceability, product description 5
sleeve, spare part number 21
solid-state drive
product description 2
removal 32
spare part numbers 20, 32
speaker components 8
location 8
removal 34
spare part number 18, 34
supported discs 75
supported discs, recovery 71
system board
removal 38
spare part numbers 18, 38
system recovery 73, 79
system restore point, creating 70,
system restore points 76
system restore points, creating 76
tools required 23
top cover, spare part numbers 16
components 9
removal 35
spare part numbers 18, 35
TouchPad button 9
TouchPad zone 9
transporting guidelines 25
USB 3.0 port 10, 12
vents 10
video, product description 2, 3
volume button 12
webcam light 6
webcam, location 6
Windows applications key 7
Windows Backup and Restore,
restoring files 78
Windows button 12
Windows key 7
Windows system restore point 70,