Index 98
access panel 14
acoustics statement for Germany 84
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 49
additional information 60
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 56
Advanced ECC memory 28, 29
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 49
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 56
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 50
authorized reseller 87
auto-configuration process 47
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 50
Autorun menu 46
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 48, 51
batteries, replacing 76, 83
battery 9, 76, 83
battery replacement notice 83
BBWC (battery-backed write cache) 32
BBWC battery pack 32
beep codes 75
before you contact HP 87
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) 48, 51
BIOS Serial Console 48
BIOS upgrade 51
boot diskette 45
boot options 48
BSMI notice 82
buttons 6
cables 37, 63, 79
cables, FCC compliance 79
cables, troubleshooting 63
cabling 37
cache module 32
cache module battery pack 32
Canadian notice 80
Care Pack 59
CD-ROM deployment 44
Change Control 59
Chinese notice 82
class A equipment 78
class B equipment 78
compliance 78
components 6
components, identification 6, 8
configuration of system 40, 46
configuration parameters 46
configuration tools 46
configuration, network 41
connecting to the network 16
connection problems 63
connectors 6
contact information 87
contacting HP 87
creating a disk image 45
CSR (customer self repair) 87
customer self repair (CSR) 87
Declaration of Conformity 79
deployment infrastructure 41
deployment methods 40, 41, 43
deployment overview 41
DHCP server 40
diagnosing problems 60, 65
diagnostic tools 46, 50, 51, 55
diagnostics utility 55
DIMM baffles 14
DIMM identification 26
DIMM installation guidelines 28
DIMM population guidelines 28
DIMM slot locations 9, 10
DIMM slots 28
DIMMs 9, 26, 31, 48
DIMMs, installation 31
DIMMs, single- and dual-rank 26
disposal, waste 80
documentation 46
drivers 40, 57