Server management 39
To configure the BMC through the Setup Utility:
In the Serial Port Configuration submenu under the IPMI Configuration submenu, set the Serial
port Assignment field to System or BMC. See the “Serial Port Configuration submenu fields”
section for more information.
In the LAN Configuration Settings submenu under the IPMI configuration submenu, set the IP
address, default gateway, and IP subnet mask for the BMC. You can set the addresses manually
or use DHCP to set the addresses automatically.
In the LAN Configuration submenu, set the LAN Controller field to select which connection the
BMC uses for the IPMI LAN interface.
To configure the BMC through the serial port:
Connect another system (such as a laptop) to the serial port on the server.
Configure your terminal session with the following settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Press Esc+( to toggle the BMC session to remote console redirection; press Esc+Q to toggle back
to the command line protocol (CLP).
Start your terminal session.
Press Enter to bring up a prompt.
If the first prompt is for a password, press Enter again.
At the Login prompt, type your user name and press Enter. The default user name is admin.
At the Password prompt, type your password and press Enter. The default password is admin.
The message CLP Session Initiated displays.
At the prompt, type cd map1/nic1 to navigate to the correct directory. The command line
interface is SMASH-compliant.
Type show to display the current settings.
Modify the settings you want to change.
The set variables are case-sensitive.
For example, by default, the BMC is set to use DHCP to get the IP address. To manually set the IP
address, type
set oemhp_dhcp_enable=FALSE to disable DHCP, then type set
networkaddress = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to set the IP address you want.
To revert to using DHCP to set the IP address, type set oemhp_dhcp_enable=TRUE to enable
DHCP.The system takes a few seconds to set the new IP address.
Open a browser and enter the IP address that you set manually or that was set automatically
using DHCP.
When prompted, enter the same user name and password you used in your terminal session.
Browse the server settings using the user interface that displays.
To enable console redirection via the Setup Utility: