System BIOS configuration 24
Figure 18
Remote Access Configuration submenu (2)
Table 16
Remote Access Configuration submenu fields (2)
BIOS Serial Console
Baud Rate
Set this value to allow you to select 115200 as the Baud Rate
(transmitted bits per second) of the serial port.
115200 8,n,1
Set this value to allow you to select 57600 as the Baud Rate
(transmitted bits per second) of the serial port.
57600 8,n,1
Set this value to allow you to select 19200 as the Baud Rate
(transmitted bits per second) of the serial port.
19200 8,n,1
Default, Set this value to allow you to select 9600 as the Baud Rate
(transmitted bits per second) of the serial port.
09600 8,n,1
Flow Control
Set this value to not allow Flow Control. This item disappears when
Remote Access is disabled. This is the default setting.
Select this value to make Flow Control by Hardware. This item
disappears when Remote Access is disabled.
Select this value to make Flow Control by Software. This item
disappears when Remote Access is disabled.
Redirection After
Set this value to turn off the redirection after POST.
Set this value to always active the redirection during POST and during
Boot Loader.
Boot Loader
Redirection is always active (some OSes may not work if set to
Always). This is the default setting.
Terminal Type
Select the target Terminal Type to ANSI. This item disappears when
Remote Access is disabled. This is the default setting.