Thus maximum memory is as follows: 64 Mbit RIMMs provide a maximum memory size of 256
Mbytes; 128 Mbit RIMMS provide 512 Mbytes; 256 Mbit RIMMS provide 1 Gbyte.
The robust RIMM modules allow for easy and reliable upgrades while maintaining full 1.6MB/s
bandwidth capability.
Disk Access Architecture
Compaq Professional Workstations use Ultrawide SCSI III.
Graphics Excellence Program
The Compaq Graphics Excellence Program is designed to allow Compaq to quickly identify, test,
certify, and introduce innovative new graphics solutions on Compaq Workstations. Through
agreements with industry -leading graphics vendors this program delivers a broad portfolio of
graphics solutions for demanding Compaq Workstation customers.
The cornerstone of Compaq’s Graphics Excellence Program is a new dedicated facility and technical
team to work with leading graphics partners such as 3Dlabs, Intense3D, ELSA, nVIDIA, S3, Matrox,
and Appian. Working directly with the engineers of these graphics suppliers, Compaq engineers
test and provide information that improves the graphics performance and functionality. The
engineer-to-engineer relationships, the sharing of tests, test processes, and test data allows
Compaq to test and qualify new graphics options for PTC applications much earlier in the
development cycle than our competitors. The Graphics Excellence Program allows Compaq and its
partners to deliver a graphics product portfolio that addresses a broader range of customer
requirements.. The program ensures well-integrated and tested workstation solutions, and provides
the fastest time to market with new graphics technology without sacrificing stability or customer
choice. It is an excellent example of Collaborative Product Commerce.
One success of the Graphics Excellence Program is with the Intense3D Wildcat 4110 graphics
controller. Working closely with Intense3D to test and optimize the next generation Wildcat 4110
graphics controller, Compaq was the first workstation manufacturer to deliver a fully qualified
Intense3D Wildcat 4110 PRO. This graphics card, available on Compaq Professional AP550 and
SP750 workstations, was available three months ahead of our competition - underscoring the
importance of this program to customers.
Compaq has recently assisted ELSA, 3Dlabs, S3, and Appian with certification of three new
specialty program solutions. The addition of the Gloria II, Oxygen VX1, Fire GL 1, and Jeronimo Pro
expands the rich graphics product line available on Compaq’s Deskpro and Professional
Graphics Drivers
Graphics performance is constantly being improved, through graphic driver upgrades. This is one
of the central benefits of the Graphics Excellence Program. To take advantage of this performance,
load the latest graphics drivers periodically, as found at:
Graphics Choices
For corporate power users and technical professionals alike, Compaq offers 2D/Multi-Display 2D
graphics with uncompromising 2D performance, true color image quality at high resolutions, and