Configuring a wireless router
For help in setting up a WLAN, refer to the information provided by your router manufacturer or your
The Windows operating system also provides tools to help you set up a new wireless network. To use
the Windows tools to set up your network, select
Control Panel
Network and Internet
Network and Sharing Center
Set up a new connection or network
Set up a new network
Then follow the on-screen instructions.
It is recommended that you initially connect your new wireless computer to the router by
using the network cable provided with the router. When the computer successfully connects to the
Internet, you can disconnect the cable, and then access the Internet through your wireless network.
Protecting your WLAN
When you set up a WLAN or access an existing WLAN, always turn on security features to protect
your network from unauthorized access.
For information on protecting your WLAN, refer to the
HP Notebook Reference Guide
Connecting to a wireless network