hp workstation i2000 owner’s guide
To exit Configuration Manager, do the following:
1. Go to the
Tab (refer to section 3.13).
2. If you have made changes in the Configuration Manager Settings, choose
Save New Settings
Discard Changes
3. Choose
Configuration Manager Tabs
For reference purposes, before you begin record the current settings in Appendix
B. When you make changes to the settings, update this record.
The Configuration Manager is accessed at the Intel
Itanium™ processor Splash
Screen (refer to Figure 8) by tabbing to the “Enter Set-up” option and pressing enter.
The Configuration Manager is organized into a set of tabbed panels. Table 7
summarizes the uses for each tab.
Table 7. Summary of Configuration Manager Screens
Tab Legend
Help on using the Configuration Manager
System Processors
Displays processor information
Displays the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed
System Memory
Displays the amount of memory
Displays the memory speed
Displays the ECC setting
Displays the type of memory module in each slot
System Event Log
Configure System Event Log
Mark System Event Log as read
View System Event Log
Integrated IDE
Controller Enabled
Spin Delay
Configure the Primary and Secondary IDE channels
System BIOS
Displays the BIOS version
Displays the SMBIOS version
Displays the PAL version
Displays the SAL version
Displays the Boot Block version
Power Events
Enable or disable the S5 wake-up events
Displays and sets the time or date