Device management
This chapter includes these sections:
Enabling displaying the copyright statement
Configuring the exception handling method
Configuring the detection timer
Configuring temperature alarm thresholds for a member device
When the temperature of the device reaches a threshold, the device generates alarms.
The temperature alarm thresholds include the low-temperature threshold, high-temperature warning
threshold, and high-temperature alarming threshold.
information and trap information for users.
through the LED on the device panel.
While you are cooling down the device in response to a high-temperature alarm
of the device might fluctuate in a narrow range near a high-temperature threshold. The device can
might be 3°C or 5°C, depending on the device model.
Follow these steps to configure temperature alarm thresholds for a member device:
Configure temperature alarm
thresholds for a member
By default, the temperature alarm
thresholds follow the specifications listed
in Table 13.
The alarming threshold must be higher