"Time from Arm
Greater Than
41.93 ms."
The state/timing analyzers have a counter to keep track of the time
from when an analyzer is armed to when it triggers. The width and
clock rate of this counter allow it to count for up to 41.93 ms before it
overflows. Once the counter has overflowed, the system does not have
the data it needs to calculate the time between module triggers. The
system must know this time to be able to display data from multiple
modules on a single screen.
No Setup/Hold
Field on Format
The HP 16540/16541A,D or HP 16542A Logic Analyzer cards are not
calibrated. Refer to your logic analyzer reference manual for
procedures to calibrate the cards.
Factors Loaded"
The default calibration file for the logic analyzer was loaded. The logic
analyzer must be calibrated when using HP 16540A,D, HP 16541A,D
or HP 16542A cards. Refer to your logic analyzer manual for
procedures to calibrate the master clocking system, and ensure that the
"cal factors" file is saved.
HP E2444A
80386DX/DXL Preprocessor Interface