The HP E2444A Preprocessor Interface provides a complete interface
between any 80386DX/DXL target system and the following logic
analyzers: HP 1650A, HP 1650B, HP 1652B, HP 1660A/61A,
HP 16510A, HP 16510B, HP 16511B, HP 16540/16541A,D,
HP 16542A, or HP 16550A.
The 80386DX/DXL configuration software on the flexible disk sets up
the format specification menu of the logic analyzer for compatibility
with the 80386DX/DXL microprocessors. It also loads the inverse
assembler for obtaining displays of 80386DX/DXL data in
80386DX/DXL assembly language mnemonics.
Logic Analyzer
The HP E2444A Preprocessor Interface requires HP 16500A system
and module software version V05.03 or higher (HP 16540/16541A,D
HP 16542A, and HP 16550A Logic Analyzers). For the HP 16500B
mainframe, system and module software version V01.00 or higher is
required. For the HP 1660A/61A Logic Analyzers, software version
V01.00 or higher is required. To use the enhanced inverse assembler
with the HP 1660A/61A Logic Analyzers, software version V02.00 or
higher is required. If your software version is older than those listed
above, load new system software with the above version numbers or
higher before loading the HP E2444A software.