Using the Adapters
Chapter 3
Installing the J2 Connector Cable (HP E1407A Only)
Purpose of the
J2 Cable
The HP E1407A C-Size Adapter Module is shipped with a long and short J2
Connector Cables. The long J2 cable allows for direct access to the outer
rows of the J2 connector of the B-Size module (that is, VMEbus modules
that utilize the outer rows of J2) inside the adapter module. The short J2
cable makes internal connections between the P2 and J2 connectors of the
adapter module to allow for connections between the J2 connector of the
B-Size module inside the adapter module and the P2 connector of the
mainframe. Use this for VXIbus modules that utilize the outer rows of J2.
If your module has no outer row connections of J2, do not install either
See Figure 3-6 for the J2 connector’s pinout diagram.
Damage to a VMEbus module, adapter module, mainframe, or
all three may result if using the short cable in an adapter
module with a VMEbus module.
Install the J2 Cable
Do the following to install either J2 Cable:
On the C-Size VXIbus Adapter Module, remove the 7 Top Shield Retainer Screws
and Top Shield.
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