General Information
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
General Information
The manual is separated into the following chapters.
Chapter 1 - General Information. Describes the different adapters.
Chapter 2 - Installation/Removal Instructions. This chapter shows how
to install/remove B-Size VXIbus modules into/from the HP E1403C or
HP E1407A C-Size Adapter Module, and how to install/remove the adapter
module into a C-Size VXIbus Mainframe.
Chapter 3 - Using the Adapters. This chapter shows how to use the adapter
modules. It includes a block diagram for both the HP E1403C and
HP E1407A Adapter Modules. The chapter also includes, for the
HP E1407A Adapter Module, instructions on how to use and install the J2
Connector Cable, how to select the direction (to or from the mainframe’s
backplane) of the trigger signals on the ECL and TTL trigger lines, and how
to select unbuffered or buffered SUMBUS connections. Connector pinout
diagrams for both the HP E1403C and HP E1407A are also provided.
Appendix A - Specifications. This appendix details specifications for the
HP E1403C and HP E1407A C-Size Adapter Module.
C-Size Adapter Description
The HP E1403C and HP E1407A Adapter Modules allow an A- or B-Size
VMEbus/VXIbus module to connect to a C-Size VXIbus Mainframe. The
regular adapters connect a single slot VMEbus/VXIbus module to the
mainframe. Option 10 connects two-slot modules to the mainframe
(however, it only connects the module to the P1 and/or P2 connector of only
one slot). The following gives the features of the adapters.
HP E1403C Adapter
Use this adapter to make buffered connections between an A-size or B-size
module’s J1 connector and the mainframe’s P1 connector. The adapter has
the following features:
Mounts with the VMEbus/VXIbus module’s front panel flush with the
front of the adapter.
Provides direct access to the VMEbus/VXIbus module’s front panel
I/O connections.
Provides connections to the J1 connector with pin-to-pin compatibility
to the mainframe’s P1 connector.
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