Table 5 HP Vertica Management Console tasks
If you want to:
About MC Users and About MC Privileges and Roles in
HP Vertica Administrator’s Guide
Understand the difference between the database users the
dbadmin user creates on the server versus MC users who
access HP Vertica through a browser.
Physical Schema in the
HP Vertica Administrator’s Guide
Understand how to create projections using Database
Performing advanced database administrator tasks
This section describes additional tasks that HP Vertica database administrators can perform. For
more information, see the
HP Vertica Administrator’s Guide
Installing HP Vertica software for third-party tool integration
Third-party products let you access your HP Vertica database using one of our supported client
drivers. You can use many third-party tools with HP Vertica. For a list of HP Vertica partners and
the tools they provide, see
While you can configure many third-party tools to work with HP Vertica through standard client
connections, HP provides additional software to help with integration of the following products:
Informatica — To use HP with the plug-in for the Informatica PowerCenter, see HP Vertica
Plug-in for Informatica Guide.
Microsoft — To integrate your HP Vertica server with an environment that includes Microsoft
components previously installed on your system (for example, Microsoft Visual Studio and
Microsoft SQL Server), see the HP Vertica Connectivity Pack Guide.
Each third-party tool may use different drivers for connecting to HP Vertica. For details
and requirements, refer to the vendor documentation for the tool you want to use.
“Learn about third-party integration” (page 20)
to learn more:
Table 6 Learn about third-party integration
If you want to:
HP Vertica Client Drivers in the HP Vertica documentation.
Read about the supported client drivers that you can
download from HP Vertica, including information about
driver managers, client/server compatibility, and
client-specific requirements.
Packs, Plug-ins, and Connectors for HP Vertica Clients in
the HP Vertica documentation.
Learn about the optional modules that HP provides for HP
Vertica clients.
Managing load balancing for client connections
Each client connection to an HP Vertica host in the cluster requires a small overhead in memory
and processor time. Many client connections to a single host can affect database performance.
When you use connection load balancing, HP Vertica automatically spreads the overhead of client
connections across the cluster by having hosts redirect connections to other hosts. For details, see
Connection Load Balancing in the
HP Vertica Administrator’s Guide
Managing database resources
To maximize performance, HP Vertica uses the maximum available CPU and memory resources.
The HP CS300 Vertica is optimized to run the database on dedicated servers for large data sets
of complex workloads.
Using HP Vertica