Setup Configuration Utility
When this item is selected, the submenu will display as shown below.
Video Timeout:
Always On
Disk Timeout:
1.0 Min
Global Timeout:
1 Min
Monitor Video Activity:
Suspend Timeout:
The followings describe in sequence all the items of this submenu.
Video Timeout
The “Video Timeout” item sets the time-out period for the monitor to power down
if it is not in use during the set period. The monitor will power up again when
any key is pressed.
The available options are 30 Sec, 2 Min, 5 Min, 10 Min, 15 Min, and Always On.
Disk Timeout
The “Disk Timeout” item sets the time-out period for the hard drive to power
down if it is not in use during the set period. The hard disk will power up again
when next accessed.
The available options are 30 Sec, 1 Min, 1.5 Min, 2 Min, and Always On.
Global Timeout
The “Global Timeout” item sets the time-out period for the whole system to
power down if it is not in use during the set period. The system will power up
again when any key is pressed.
The available options are 1 Min, 2 Min, 4 Min, 6 Min, 8 Min, 12 Min, 16 Min, and
Always On.
Monitor Video Activity
The “Monitor Video Activity” item sets if the video activity will be monitored. If
enabled, any activity on the screen (such as showing a movie title) will prevent
the monitor from powering down.
The available options are Enabled and Disabled.