ArcPad User Guide MCAP Assessment
NC Department of Transportation
State Road Maintenance Unit Page - 23
To Save: Right click on the “MCAP_DivX” folder and send to your USB Drive
(Removable Drive E) as shown below. If prompted that there is already a folder on
the USB Drive that is named “MCAP_DivX,” click “yes to all” to Over-Ride the
existing file.
At the end of the day, make sure you have saved all your work on both the Hard
drive and on the USB flash drive. Next, shut down the Tablet PC and place it along
with any items you’ve pulled out of the PC Case and put back into the PC Case and
store the equipment in a safe place. You may want to charge the Tablet overnight
but as long as you have the PC car charger, then it is not necessary.