Discovery Status
A 32 bit hexadecimal that indicates the discovery status for the
PHY or expander. Possible values:
Discovery completed successfully - 0x00000000
Loop Detected - 0x00000001
Unaddressable device exists- 0x00000002
Multiple Ports - 0x00000004
Expander Error - 0x00000008
SMP Timeout - 0x00000010
Out of route entries - 0x00000020
SMP Response Index Does Not Exist - 0x00000040
SMP Response Function Failed - 0x00000080
SMP CRC error - 0x00000100
Device Identifier
Indicates the ASCII device identifier string extracted from the
device's inquiry data.
Scan Order
Indicates the scan order for this device. This is equivalent to the
SCSI ID value in parallel SCSI configurations.
Device Information
Indicates whether a device is SAS.
SAS Address
Indicates the SAS address of the device.
Link Error Settings
Number of invalid
DWORDs received outside
Invalid DWORDs
of PHY reset sequences
since the last PHY link error
Loss of DWORD Sync
Number of times that
DWORD synchronization
was lost and the link reset
sequence occurred since the
last PHY link error reset.
Running Disparity Errors
Number of dwords with
running disparity errors
that have been received
outside PHY reset
sequences since the last
PHY link error reset.
PHY Reset Errors
Number of times the PHY
reset sequence has failed
since the last PHY link error
Error counts stop when they reach the maximum value.
Link Error Count
Actual link error count values since the last PHY Link Error Reset.
Threshold Count
Link error count threshold values. When a link error count exceeds
the threshold count within the threshold time, the MPT firmware
may reduce the link rate. You can modify the threshold values on
the Advanced Adapter Properties screen.
Threshold Time
Time, in seconds, over which to apply Threshold Count. When a
link error count exceeds the threshold count within the threshold
time, the MPT firmware may reduce the link rate. You can modify
the threshold values on the Advanced Adapter Properties screen.
Configuring the Controller Offline