Configuration Commands
A6826A PCI-X Host Bus Adapter for Linux 64-bit Systems Installation Guide
Information Commands
This command displays a brief list of available commands.
Displays the following adapter information:
efi device path (Use to determine which adapter configuration is being
port wwn (wwpn)
serial number
ssvid and ssdid from nvram
Displays the contents of the WWN database in table form.
Displays the scsi target id translation table. This table is a list of scsi tid and fibre
channel loop id mapping pairs. Each entry in the table consists of the following
information for each device:
scsi id (tid)
fc loop id (lid)
world wide port name (wwpn)
world wide node name (wwnn)
All numbers are in hexadecimal. The tid values from 0x00 to 0x0A are persistent,
and tid values above 0x0A are assigned sequentially as devices are discovered.
The lid values above 0x80 are fabric attached while those below 0x7f are
arbitrated loop attached.