Hardware management and maintenance
This chapter includes these sections:
Displaying hardware information of the firewall
Solving system faults
Saving the current configuration of the firewall
Rebooting a module or the firewall
The output depends on your firewall model. For more information about the commands used in this
chapter, see the corresponding command references.
Displaying hardware information of the firewall
Displaying the software and hardware version information of
the firewall
Use the
display version
command to display software and hardware version information of the firewall.
The output includes the following information: the current software version and hardware version, firewall
operating time, type and operating time of each main processing unit (MPU) and interface module. The
output of this command depends on your firewall model.
<Sysname> display version
HP Comware Platform Software
Comware Software, Version 5.20, Release 3206P18
Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
HP A-F5000 uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 3 minutes
2048M bytes DDR2 SDRAM Memory
4M bytes Flash Memory
247M bytes CF0 Card
MPUA PCB Version:Ver.B
SWBA PCB Version:Ver.A
MPUA Basic Logic Version: 3.0
MPUA Extend Logic Version: 1.0
SWBA Logic Version: 1.0
MPUA LX30T FPGA Version: 5.05
Basic BootWare Version: 1.07
Extend BootWare Version: 1.09
[FIXED PORT] CON (Hardware)Ver.B, (Driver)1.0, (Cpld)3.0
[FIXED PORT] AUX (Hardware)Ver.B, (Driver)1.0, (Cpld)3.0
[FIXED PORT] M-GE0/0 (Hardware)Ver.B, (Driver)1.0, (Cpld)3.0
[FIXED PORT] H-GE0/1 (Hardware)Ver.B, (Driver)1.0, (Cpld)3.0