Index 73
load protection guarantee 54
M.2 SSD module 30
maintenance guidelines 48
memory options 22
memory subsystem architecture 23, 24
memory, Advanced ECC 26
memory, configuration requirements 25, 27
memory, mirrored 26
mezzanine connector 9
microSD riser 9
mirrored memory 27
modes 38
modifications, FCC notice 54
notification actions 51
online flash components 48, 49
operating system crash 47
operating system installation 50
operating system version support 50
operating systems 50
operating systems supported 42, 50
operations 12
optimum environment 14
options installation 16, 19, 28
passwords 34
phone numbers 58
population guidelines, Advanced ECC 27
population order, memory 27
POST error messages 52
power distribution unit (PDU) 16
power protection specifications 57
power requirements 15
powering down 12
powering up 12
power-on password 10
preparation procedures 12
proactive notification 51
problem diagnosis 52
Product ID 46
PXE (preboot execution environment) 43
rack resources 14
rack warnings 16
RAID configuration 46
recovering a lost password 34
recovery key 34
redundant ROM 47
re-entering the server serial number 46
registering the server 18
regulatory compliance identification numbers 52, 54
regulatory compliance information 54
regulatory compliance notices 54, 55
regulatory information 54
remote support and analysis tools 40, 41
removing server from chassis 12
requirements, environmental 14, 57
requirements, power 15
requirements, space 14
requirements, temperature 15
retaining the recovery key/password 34
RoHS 55
ROM legacy USB support 47
ROM redundancy 47
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 43
ROMPaq utility 47
safety considerations 16, 54, 56
SAS drives 8
scripted installation 42
secure boot configuration 45
security 47
serial connector 36
serial label pull tab 6
serial number 46
series number 54
server backup LEDs 7
server features and options 19
server health LEDs 7
Server mode 38
server specifications 57
server, installation 16
servers, setup and configuration 14
Service Pack for ProLiant 41, 42, 43
Service Packs 43
setup 14