Provides event notification to the Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 system event log
and HP ProLiant integrated management log
HP Smart Array Advanced
Pack 2.0
(license key
included with P822)
RAID 6 (Advanced Data Guarding) protects against failure of any two drives. RAID 6 requires a
minimum of four drives. ADG can tolerate multiple simultaneous drive failures without downtime or
data loss and is ideal for applications requiring large logical volumes, because it can safely protect a
single volume of up to 56 disk drives. RAID 6 also offers lower implementation costs and greater
usable capacity per U than RAID 1.
RAID 60 (RAID 6+0) allows administrators to split the RAID 6 storage across multiple external boxes.
RAID 60 requires a minimum of eight drives. RAID 60 is a nested RAID method that uses RAID 0
block-level striping across multiple RAID 6 arrays with dual distributed parity. With the inclusion of
dual parity, RAID 60 will tolerate the failure of two disks in each spanned array without loss of data.
Advanced Capacity Expansion automates higher capacity migration using capacity transformation to
remove logical drives by shrinking and then expanding them online. Standard drive migration and
expansion remain unchanged.
Mirror Splitting and Recombining. Mirror splitting is a task that splits an array with one or more RAID
1 or RAID 1+0 logical drives into two identical new arrays with RAID 0 logical drives. This is useful for
administrators who want to replicate a configuration or need to build a backup before performing a
risky operation. Using the ACU, administrators can also recombine a split mirrored array.
Drive Erase completely erases physical disks or logical volumes. This capability is useful when
decommissioning, redeploying, or returning hard drives. Provides three patterns:
One pass erase: Write zeros
Two pass erase: Write random data, then zeros
Three pass erase: Write random data, random data, then zeros
Video On Demand Performance Optimization optimizes performance of video on demand and
improves latency during video streaming. Provides controls for:
RAID 6/60 Alternate Inconsistency Repair Policy
RAID 5/6/50/60 Degraded Mode Performance Optimization
Physical Drive Request Elevator Sort
Monitor and Performance Analysis Delay
Maximum Drive Request Queue Depth
HP SmartCache - controller base caching to improve workload performance available when updating
to the latest HP firmware. Please see
for more details
HP SmartCache requires the following: Min 1 or 2 GB FBWC module along with HP ProLiant
Gen8 supported HDD(s) and SSD(s) for more information visit:
HP Smart Array P822 Controller
DA - 14341 North America — Version 11 — September 10, 2013
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