The bushings, seals and gliding surfaces of the
suspension fork suffer from wear and tear
through normal use. It depends on the use of
the fork, the amount of dirt on it and the
maintenance and lubrication how long it lasts.
If the bushings are worn the fork has too
much play. Please have your specialist dealer
replace the bushings in that case.
Hydraulic dampers are effected by wear and
tear through normal use. It depends on the
usage of the bike, the amount of dirt on it and
the maintenance and lubrication how long it
lasts.After 3000 km the damper must receive
an inspection by a trained mechanic, worn out
parts or the hydraulic cartridge can be repla-
ced then. Due to wear of the seals oil can leak
drom the damper or the internal oil can beco-
me foamy.This may lead to some noise when
the damper is working.This noise does not ef-
fect the function of the damper. Only if there
is no obvious damping after the first 5 mm of
travel, the damper should be replaced.
Suspension Fork