Hoval STU Wood Pellet Boiler
These instructions have been written to give a brief description of STU wood pellet boilers,
their installation, commissioning, operation
and subsequent maintenance.
The STU boiler, stoker, fuel handling equipment and fuel store are designed to be used ONLY with good quality Wood Pellet Fuel in ac-
cordance with specifications as set out in Wood Fuel Specification CEN TC 335/CEN TS 14961, wood pellet fuel (see following page).
The installation of boilers and their ancillary equipment is normally carried out by the Heating Engineer, and for the purpose of this manual
he is regarded as the installer and as such, it is his responsibility to ensure that he has read and understood the contents of this manual
before installing the boiler.
It is essential that each boiler has all services connected to it before commissioning.
A note should be entered below by the person responsible for the plant, giving the boiler model, output and serial number ('K' number).
This information is shown on the boiler data plate.
Boiler Model:
Output (kW):
Fuel Supplier:
K No.:
Commissioning Date:
For technical, servicing or parts enquiries,
telephone, fax or e-mail Hoval
quoting the boiler(s) serial number, as above
Tel: (01636) 593413 or 593435 Fax: (01636) 673532
e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
The installation should be in accordance with current I.E.E. Regulations, relevant
British Standard and Codes of Practice, Building Regulations and Local Authority Bylaws.
Hoval, or Hoval Approved Engineers would normally commission the boiler.
Thereafter Hoval recom-
mended that any Biomass Combustion equipment should only be placed into operation and
maintained by suitably trained and authorised personnel.
We would encourage that the Heating
Engineer and / or the client or the client's plant operators to be present at the time of commissioning
as he / they can then be instructed on the day-to-day use and operation of the boiler. If this is not
possible, or additional training is required, this can be arranged through Hoval.
The boiler combustion figures are recorded at the time of commissioning, added to a report and a copy
of this will be issued for retention with this manual. We recommend that any information issued with
the STU boiler should be kept ready and available to the operators of the equipment.
Commissioning/Combustion Report
For completion by Plantroom Attendant