Hoval STU Wood Pellet Boiler
Control Details and Safety Features
To Reset Alarms
When a fault has occurred the 'Fault' light will be illuminated on the front of the LRP unit.
Press 'Set',
Highlight the 'Manual/Status' option on the display,
Press 'Set'.
Quick Query
Actual Values
The fault(s) will be recorded on the first row.
To cancel this light the fault firstly has to be rectified (e.g. limit thermostat has to be reset),
Press 'Set' to confirm fault,
Press ESC to return to front screen (The unit will return to the front screen on its own after a short time if ESC is not pressed).
Although the fault has been cleared it has been recorded for future reference. If the fault re-occurs then a qualified engineer should be
Quick Query
Quick Query
Actual Values
The Quick query screen can be configured to suit your personal requirements by your installer. This screen should be your first display
that you reference when you are using the controller.
The parameters shown here will be directly related to your plant applications and requested access levels to suit your experience.
These parameters may be changed by you e.g. if a setpoint is shown it may be changed here. Trend curves may also be enabled and
viewed from the Quick Query screen.
Quick Query
Boiler Setpoint 82
Pellet Feed Speed
Trend Curve
FD Demand 20.0
A small tick will be shown next to a parameter that has a trend curve enabled. Any analogue or digital value can be logged. A small
graph symbol will appear next to the logged values when in normal menu to indicate that a trend curve is running. Two trend curves can
run on a single controller at any one time. The trend information becomes circular after one weeks' data has been stored. This data can
be sent to a CS140BMS system if connected/available.
Zooming Into and Turning a Trend Curve Off
The trend can be disabled by viewing the Trend curve and pressing 'SET'. A small menu will be shown where you can select the follow-
ing options:
Zoom out of the display by increasing the time scale.
Zoom into the display by reducing the time scale.
End Trend
Stop recording values for this parameter.