Low Ice Production - Possible Cause
Long Harvest Cycle
1. Evaporator
a) Scaled up.
2. Control Board
a) Thermistor connection loose (K3).
b) Defective.
3. Evaporator (Cube Control)
See "II.E. Evaporator Thermistor
a) Loose, disconnected, or defective.
4. Hot Gas Valve
a) Erratic or closed.
5. Compressor
a) Inefficient or off.
6. Thermostatic Expansion Valve
a) Defective.
7. Refrigerant Charge
a) Low.
Long Freeze Cycle
1. Evaporator
a) Scaled up, dirty.
2. Hot Gas Valve
a) Defective.
3. Condenser
a) Restricted.
4. Control Board
a) Defective.
5. Thermostatic Expansion Valve
a) Bulb loose.
b) Defective.
6. Compressor
a) Inefficient or off.
7. Refrigerant Charge
a) Low.
Slab Does Not Break Into Separate Cubes - Possible Cause
1. Spring
a) Over-extended.
2. Water Plate
a) Obstacle caught between evaporator and water plate.
Cubes Drop Separately - Possible Cause
1. Refrigerant Charge
a) Low - Long harvest cycle.
2. Cam Arm
a) Worn out.
Imperfect Ice Production - Possible Cause
1. Water Supply
a) Improper water pressure.
b) External water filters restricted.
c) Water leaks from water tank or water plate due to broken tank or
plate or icemaker out of level.
2. Inlet Water Valve
a) Water leaks from valve body or water supply pipe joint.
3. Water Plate
a) Spray holes restricted.
4. Pump Motor
a) Defective.