August 19, 2021
Page 96 | 198
9.3.6 Register Match
Totalizer & Quadrature counter modes support a register match function. When the
accumulator value matches either the Match 1 or Match 2 value configured in the
corresponding %AQ registers, a high-speed output can Turn On, Turn Off, or Toggle. An
internal %I register mirrors the output state whether the high-speed output is configured or
not. The output can be reset in program logic using the corresponding %Q registers.
2-Counter Mode has Register Match support for both counters.
4-Counter Mode has Register Match support only for counters 1 and 2.
The High-Speed Outputs are %Q1 for Counter 1 and %Q2 for Counter 2. They operate
as high-speed outputs, independent of the controller scan rate, when configured as
HSC Output
in the Digital Out/PWM configuration in Cscape.
The High-Speed Output state reflects in the
status register “High Speed Out”
, e.g.
%I1603 for Counter 1 (the update speed of the status bit is scan rate dependent)
The High-Speed Output can be reset through ladder with the assigned output, e.g.
%Q1606 for Counter 1
Both Match 1 and Match 2 values will trigger the match function.
If the output is already triggered by any Match register
while using ‘Turn On’ or ‘Turn
Off’ modes, subsequent matches will not affect the output.
If using ‘Toggle’ mode, every match of
either Match value will toggle the output to the
opposite state.