August 19, 2021
Page 92 | 198
Three different options are available to reset the current count. They are:
Configured reset value
When configuring the Totalize function, a value may be specified under the
Counts per
column. When the totalizer accumulator reaches this value - 1, the accumulator will
reset to zero on the next count. Specifying zero for this value allows the totalizer to
count through the full 32-bit range before resetting.
Ladder control
Setting registers %Q17-20 reset HSC1-4 (respectively) with no additional configuration.
When these registers are asserted, the associated totalizer accumulator is reset and
held at zero (level sensitive).
Direct digital input control (HSC1 and HSC2 only)
HSC3 (%I11) and HSC4 (%I12) may be configured as hardware digital reset signals for
HSC1 and HSC2 (respectively). To enable these inputs as reset signals, specify the type
Totalize Reset
(NOTE: The corresponding Totalize HSC must be previously
configured before this option is available). The direct digital reset controls are edge
sensitive with the edge polarity configurable.
Maximum direct digital reset latency is 100
The totalize function also supports an option which compares the current accumulator value
with a supplied Preset Value (PV), which is provided through a %AQ, and drives a physical
digital output based on the that comparison.
This option (available for HSC1 and HSC2 only) drives Q1 or Q2 output point
(respectively) once the associated totalizer accumulator reaches (or exceeds) the PV
value. To enable this function, the corresponding PWM function output (Q1 or Q2) must
be configured for
HSCx Output
NOTE: Q1 and Q2 are PWM function outputs that may be configured independently as one of
the following: standard digital output, PWM, HSCx or stepper output.
Preset values may be modified during run-time. A preset value of zero disables (resets) the
totalizer compares function output causing the output to remain low.
Rising Edge Signal
Falling Edge Signal