4. Enter a new 6-digit code. One beep sounds, indicating the entry is valid.
5. Re-enter the new 6-digit code. One beep sounds, indicating that the code
in steps 4 and 5 are the same and the code change is successful.
6. If three beeps sound, the code change was unsuccessful, and the existing
code is still valid. Repeat steps 2 – 5.
7. Enter and check new code three times before closing door.
Each step in the code change process must be completed in 10
seconds or the system reverts back to “standby” status.
Your lock has a “Low Battery Alert.” If the Entry Keypad beeps repeatedly
during an unlocking, the battery is low and needs immediate replacement.
Your safe is equipped with an electronic lock made with non-volatile memory,
meaning your combination code is retained even if the batteries are no
longer powering the lock. If this happens, simply replace the batteries.
Install only a high-quality alkaline battery in the compartment in the back of
the Entry Keypad following these steps.
1. Remove Entry Keypad. Slide it up and carefully pull it away from the safe’s
door. (Fig.1)
Do not pull the Keypad as too much force may damage the cable.
2. Snap new battery into the connector clip, and slide it into the battery
compartment top down so that the wires will not be pinched between the
battery and the safe door. (Fig.2)
3. Position the Keypad over the mounting screws, and slide it down
into position.
Fig. 2
Fig. 1