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Drying times may vary, depending on the type and amount of cases/
gun parts, percentage of water, humidity, temperature of the air and 
the altitude. Drying times may also vary greatly from one area of the 
country to another and from day-to-day, depending on the climatic 
conditions. Record keeping helps you predict future drying times for 
specific cases and parts.


Cases and parts must be monitored near the and of the drying process, 
making sure everything is properly dried. Do not load cases if they 
contain any moisture.


The Adjustable Tray has a removable bottom mesh. Remove the bottom 
mesh to accommodate larger items by rotating clockwise until notch 
and tab align. Place sidewall ring on top of the four fixed trays to allow 
maximum clearance under the lid for larger items. 


Recording the following information can be helpful in improving your 
drying techniques and determining quantities of cartridge cases and 
types of gun parts to dry.

•  Date dried.
•  Quantity dried.
•  Drying time.
•  Storage temperature.
•  Length of storage time before use.

By labeling storage containers with the contents and date dried, you 
can keep track of your supply, rotate as needed and avoid mix-ups.
