AR637T Receiver- SAFE Setup
Setting up SAFE Technology on the AR637T Receiver takes place in Forward
Complete the AS3X setup and verify operation in fl ight.
Forward Programming Setup:
To add SAFE fl ight stabilization the Flight
Modes on the receiver need to be confi gured.
1. In your transmitter’s menu select
Forward Programming
Gyro Settings
First Time SAFE Setup
Before proceeding with setup, read every information screen that
will appear on your transmitter screen.
at the bottom of each page to continue.
2. Select
FM Channel
-> Select the channel and switch you want to use
for Flight Mode selection. You can select any channel that is not a control
surface, throttle or gain. Select Continue.
3. Position the model in a level fl ight attitude, then select
Level Model and Capture Attitude
to teach the receiver the baseline
setting. For taildragger aircraft be sure to raise the tail so the fuselage is level.
4. Assign SAFE to the desired fl ight modes. You can enable or disable SAFE
for each fl ight mode. Take into account your fl ight mode switch position,
and set the
as desired for the fi rst switch position.
• Envelope (Intermediate)
mode does not use self leveling. The aircraft
will fl y like a normal AS3X setup, but it will be bank and pitch angle limited.
• Self Leveling/Angle Demand
will make the airplane return to level
fl ight when the control stick is centered.
5. Set the
Angle Limits
as desired for the fi rst switch position. These
values determine how far the aircraft will be allowed to pitch or bank.
6. Move the Flight Mode switch to the other positions, a setup screen for
SAFE Mode and Angle Limits will appear for each mode. Set the SAFE
Mode and Angle Limits as desired for every mode.
7. After all the Flight Modes are confi gured as desired for SAFE Modes and Angle
Limits, press
8. Test fl y the airplane to verify the confi guration.
Tuning SAFE Basics:
1. Perform a control surface direction test, and AS3X reaction test. You can verify
which modes have SAFE enabled by performing the AS3X test, starting at the
level fl ight attitude.
• AS3X reaction will move the control surfaces in response to rotational
movement, and then return to center when the rotation stops.
• SAFE (Self Leveling) will cause the control surfaces to stay defl ected as long
as the aircraft is banked or pitched.
2. Test fl y the airplane to verify the confi guration in every fl ight mode.
3. If the airplane oscillates, immediately slow it down and reduce gain. Take note
of which fl ight mode you are in and which axis the aircraft oscillates around. You
can increase or decrease the base gain values of each axis separately for each
fl ight mode within the Forward Programming menu after landing.
4. Tune gain values for each axis within each fl ight mode.