P-51D Mustang 1.5m
This test ensures that the AS3X
control system is functioning properly.
Assemble the aircraft and bind your transmitter to the receiver before
performing this test.
1. Raise the throttle just above 25%, then lower the throttle to activate AS3X.
Keep all body parts, hair and loose clothing away from a
moving propeller, as these items could become entangled.
The AR637T programming for this aircraft increases control
surface movement when fl aps are fully down.
2. Move the entire aircraft as shown and ensure the control surfaces move in
the direction indicated in the graphic. If the control surfaces do not respond
as shown, do not fl y the aircraft. Refer to the receiver manual for more
Once the AS3X system is active, control surfaces may move rapidly. This is
normal. AS3X remains active until the battery is disconnected.
AS3X Reaction
AS3X Control Direction Test
During your fi rst fl ight, trim the aircraft for level fl ight at 3/4 throttle with
fl aps and gear up. Make small trim adjustments with your transmitter’s trim
switches to straighten the aircraft’s fl ight path.
After adjusting trim do not touch the control sticks for 3 seconds. This allows
the receiver to learn the correct settings to optimize AS3X performance.
Failure to do so could affect fl ight performance.
3 Seconds
Center of Gravity (CG)
In Flight Trimming
The CG location is measured from the leading edge of the wing at the root.
This CG location has been determined with the recommended Li-Po battery
(SPMX50006S30) installed in the center of the battery tray.
Measure the CG with the landing gear down and the aircraft inverted.
Install the battery but do not arm the ESC while checking
the CG. Personal injury may result.
124mm - 137mm
back from leading edge at
the root with gear down