When you are prepared to fl y, start the motors by activating the motor arm switch (switch H), as
programmed in the transmitter setup section. Increase the throttle until the model is approximately
2 ft. (600mm) off the ground and check the trim so the model fl ies as desired. Once the trim is
adjusted, begin fl ying the model.
Flight times for the included battery will vary according to how aggressively the throttle is used.
Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC)
LVC decreases the power to the motors when the battery voltage gets low. When the motor power
decreases, land the aircraft immediately and recharge the fl ight battery.
LVC does not prevent the battery from over-discharge during storage.
Repeated fl ying to LVC will damage the battery.
To land, slowly decrease the throttle while in a low-level hover. After landing, stop the motors by
changing the motor arm switch to the off position; disconnect and remove the battery from the
aircraft after use to prevent over discharge. During storage, make sure the battery charge does not
fall below 3V per cell.
Flying the Torrent Quadcopter