LampizatOr- The Horizon DAC Manual
1. Why Horizon?
Atlantic and Pacific names were the wirst Naval name is to commemorate Lukasz Fikus
sailing voyage across that ocean in May 2016 where he took the decision to take more
focus on extreme improvements in the DACs, focusing on it during the endless sailing
shifts of duty. The successor of Atlantic - was of course the Pacific. Since we run out of
oceans, Horizon seemed like the next logical step.
2. Why no longer DHT ?
The decision of not using directly heated triodes comes from three main decisive factors -
the fact that the more popular tubes are getting rapidly harder to get and more expensive,
problems with rolling DHT with different heaters and also the listening tests made us
choose the current Pentode/triode scenario. We simply wanted the best sound at any cost.
3. Why Copper capacitors?
Since there are only 4 components in total in our signal path - it is important to use these 4
parts from the highest quality group. the output capacitor is one of the three so we wanted
to use the best available at any price. So here it is - our Lampizator house branded copper
cap which matches the 4 known copper brands in quality of sound.
4. Why do you claim this to be your best DAC ever?
Well, the above explanations sum up to the statement - that the horizon is the only known
DAC that combines that level of digital section sophistication with an in-Directly Heated
pentode tube output, copper capacitors (with real Cu foil versus the metal vaporised
plastic) and last but not least 12 years of Lampizator’s expertise in DAC technology. Add to
it the DSD 512 capability and excellent test / purchase / warranty / upgrade policy and you
get as a package the best DAC in the world.
We MOST DEFINITELY never heard anything better anywhere!