LampizatOr- The Horizon DAC Manual
1. Power supply with the DAC power management relay, allowing to switchON/OFF
the whole DAC via the remote while keeping the volume module powered.
2. The display - nixie pair which is our GUI.
3. The microprocessor board with memory, firmware and the chip that controls the
4. Two dual Relay volume boards with resistor ladders. The microprocessor connects
the resistors in such way that they form a resistive attenuation L-Pad with 63 steps of
logarithmic attenuation. The overall impedance is held at almost constant 30k and
the steps are calibrated in 1 db distances. The accuracy is less than 1%
5. The virtual potentiometer with push action called the encoder.
The module is capable not only of volume adjustment but also of the input selection-
both analog inputs as well as digital.
Using the volume module: Press the volume button down for 3few seconds and the
display will show you the current volume and will start changing .
The input selection is available from the remote in direct mode - just press the remote
INPUT to choose input or use left - right panel buttons.
MUTE function: this is useful to use instead of turning the volume all the way down.
Available ONLY via remote.
POWER OFF - the DAC will be switched off fully but the remote module will be always
alive to enable you to power it ON again.
0dB operation: at full volume - 0dB the DAC operates as if there was no volume
module. This position is recommended for systems with own volume control: preamp or
integrated amp. The resistor ladder is completely by-passed.