8.0 - Field Usage
8.1 - Performance Checks
It is recommended that the operator check the machines output at regular intervals when
drilling once the machine is configured to the product. To initially configure the machine Horizon
Agricultural Machinery Ltd. recommend drilling a short distance (100m) and ensure the products
are placed at the correct depths with appropriate slot closure, adjusting if required and drilling
another small test to confirm adjustments.
8.1 - Frame Settings
Upon delivery of the drill and prior to any drilling commencing the operator should configure the
drill so the underside of the toolbar is 62cm from ground level as shown in the diagram below. This
allows for appropriate parallelogram travel. The Parallelograms positioning to allow for suitable
travel is more important than the guideline number given above due to the number of variables
To configure the above setting the user should lower the chassis until this value is achieved. Once
achieved they should fit the appropriate stroke limiters to the rear lift rams. These limiters prevent
the chassis from being lowered lower than required. The DSX is supplied with a number of these
stroke limiters to allow the user to configure their required setting