Each meter injector box assembly is also equipped with a shut off lever. This lever can be adjusted
to control the distribution of product on the drill.
When the lever is in the centred position product flows into both distribution heads. When
being used in this application the metering rotors must be symettrical to allow for accurate rate
With the lever adjusted to one side the product will be introduced to the airflow on the side
opposite of the lever. For example, with the lever to the right of the machine product will be
distributed to the left-hand tube
The distribution heads can be plumbed in 2 differing ways. Most DSX implements are plumbed for
selective seeding. This means the right distribution head feeds to all of the rear coulters whilst the
left-hand distribution head feeds the front coulters. In this configuration the levers can be used to
selectively route the product located in each hopper to the correct distributor head and therefore
coulter placement.
Certain machines are plumbed without selective seeding (Typically at customers request). In this
application each distributor tower feeds one side of the machine’s coulters. Using the lever to adjust