6.6.8 - Opening Discs
The DSX is equipped with an opening disc that has a diameter of 18” (457mm) when new. The bevel
on the edge of the disc aids penetration of the disc into the soil, and the cutting of straw and cover
crops reducing the phenomenon of hair pinning.
IMPORTANT: Progressive wear of the disc means that the sowing depth will need
to be adjusted accordingly over its lifespan to maintain the desired depth
Discs must be replaced once they reach a minimum diameter of 425mm in order to prolong the life
of the sowing unit and maintain a consistent sowing depth. Typically, at this diameter the bevel is
worn, increasing the risk of hair pinning. When the disc has a diameter of 425mm or less the seed
boot is no longer in the shadow of the disc, consequentially increasing the wear rate.
To check your disc wear measure from the edge of the hub to the edge of the disc radially as
shown below. If this is measures at 133mm or less replace the discs.
Measure the disc from
the edge of the hub to
the outside edge of the
disc. If this dimension is
133mm or less replace
the disc.