Navigate the Calendar
Want to bring order to your busy life? Try using the app Calendar on your Huawei Phone to manage
your daily schedule.
Go to today
Search events
Week number
Currently displayed day
Events for the day
Events for the currently
displayed day
Switch between month,
week, day and
schedule view
Add new event
Create an event: Open
Calendar, touch
, and enter your event information including title,
location, and start and end times. Go to Reminder to add a reminder for your event, then touch
Search events: On the Calendar page, touch
and enter the event keywords, such as title or
Configure Calendar: On the Calendar page, go to
> Settings to customize calendar display
and reminders.
Check the exact location of the destination: Open
Calendar. In a view or schedule, touch the
event where the destination has been set to view the exact location information about the event.
Query weather: Open
Calendar, and touch an event in a view or schedule to view the weather
of the day in the event.