To prevent damage to the R8991, do not use an
ignition tester to check out the R8991 Ignition
Source. Iron core transformer ignition testers can
damage solid state ignitors.
When using R8991 with a 24V thermostat, discon-
nect at least one lead wire from the T1-T2 ter-
minals on R8991 before jumpering T1-T2 to
simulate a call for heat or damage to thermostat
heat anticipator can result.
IMPORTANT: Only a trained, experienced service tech-
nician should perform the checkout procedure.
NOTE: The reset button can also be used to return the
R8991 to the idle mode during trial for ignition, ignition
carryover, or run mode by pressing in and holding down
the button. When the reset button is released, the R8991
initiates a trial for ignition if a call for heat continues.
This facilitates system checkout by simulating that the
thermostat is not calling for heat (pressing in and holding
down the button) without changing the thermostat setting.
Make sure combustion chamber is free of oil or oil
vapor before starting the system.
1. Make sure the system is powered. Check the circuit
breaker or fuse and close the system switch, if provided. If
indicator light is flashing at 1/4 Hz (2 seconds on, 2 seconds
off), this indicates that the control is in the recycle mode. Wait
60 seconds for the recycle period to end. After 60 seconds,
the indicator light stops flashing.
2. If indicator light is flashing at 2 Hz (1/4 second on,
1/4 second off), indicating that the control is locked out, push
in and release the red reset button on the R8991 Interrupted
Ignition Recycle Oil Primary and Ignitor. The light should
stop flashing.
During lockout, the green diagnostic light starts flashing at 2 Hz (1/4 second on, 1/4 second off). Reset R8991 by pushing in
and releasing the red reset button. The green diagnostic light stops flashing and goes off. If there is a call for heat, the R8991
returns to a try for ignition.
External Action
R8991 Action
Connect line voltage power.
R8991 is energized if limit switch is closed.
There is no call for heat.
Green diagnostic light is on if cad cell senses flame. Green light is off if cad
cell does not sense flame.
Thermostat calls for heat.
R8991 does not try for ignition if cad cell senses flame. If cad cell does not
sense flame, burner is energized after a one second delay and ignition is on.
NOTE: The ignition on is a pulsing action. See description above this table.
Cad cell senses flame within lockout
Diagnostic light and ignition are on. Ignition continues for 45 seconds after
cad cell senses flame (Ignition Carryover), then turns off. Burner is running.
Thermostat call for heat is satisfied.
Burner stops. Diagnostic light turns off.
Burner fails to ignite on call for heat. Burner motor and ignition are turned off at end of lockout time.
Burner ignites, but flame fails prior
to lockout time.
Green diagnostic light turns off.
Ignition remains on until either cad cell senses flame or lockout time ends.
If flame was not re-established, the R8991 locks out.
Burner ignites, but flame fails after
lockout time and during Ignition
Burner shuts off. R8991 enters recycle mode and the green diagnostic light
flashes at 1/4 Hz (2 seconds on, 2 seconds off). The control waits 60 seconds
before attempting to restart.
Flame fails during burner-on cycle.
Burner shuts off. R8991 enters recycle mode and the green diagnostic light
flashes at 1/4 Hz (2 seconds on, 2 seconds off). The control waits 60 seconds
before attempting to restart.
Power fails during call for heat.
Burner shuts off safely. R8991 automatically attempts to relight with all safety
checks when power is restored.
Power fails during recycle mode.
When power is restored, R8991 will not respond to a call for heat until a full
60 second recycle period is complete.
Power fails during lockout mode.
R8991 remains locked out.
When power is restored, R8991 stays in lockout mode.