MAN0604_Issue 09_02-2013
Also see drawing
2110C8049 Outline Dimensions of Certified Transmitter, Sensor &
(available on request from Honeywell Analytics).
General Installation Guidelines
The following general points should be noted before any installation is carried out.
Read all the instructions before starting any of the installation procedures.
Identify a suitable location with a flat surface where the Apex Transmitter Unit/
Certified Junction Box can be mounted.
Identify external cable requirements and the necessary cable/conduit entry
ports to be used on the Apex Transmitter Unit/Certified Junction Box.
The Certified Sensor must always point downwards to avoid collection of fluids
and other materials on the face.
When fitting components that are certified also refer to the Control Drawings
Appendix B
The system components comply with the EMC requirements of EN50270. In order to maintain
compliance with this standard it is essential that the components are installed correctly as detailed
below. It is the responsibility of the installation design authority to ensure that the electrical
installation meets appropriate standards.
The unit should not be electrically connected to electrically noisy (dirty) metalwork or
conductors. The case should be connected to a low noise (clean) earth line via the screen on
the field cabling.
The entire length of the field cabling connected to each unit should be fully screened with the
screen connected to a low noise earth.
The low noise earth line should only be connected to safety earth at a single point. Star
earthing arrangements minimise earth current crosstalk. Field cabling shields should not be
connected such that earth loops are produced.
The earth bonding arrangement must ensure that the maximum peak voltage between the
unit case earth and any field cable conductor is less than 350V. Voltages in excess of this can
cause permanent damage to the unit's RFI protection filters.
The use of a single, screening cable for each gas detector ensures maximum screening
and minimum crosstalk. Cabling arrangements which use a single cable for connecting
field devices compromise screening, increase the potential for crosstalk and prevent
implementation of true star earthing.
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