Installation Notes :
T o install the front wheel assembly, insert
the axle through the right fork leg and
wheel hub, and screw it into the left fork
leg. Make sure that the tang
( 8 )
on the
fork leg is located in the slot
in the
speedometer gear box
( I
0 ).
Tighten the
axle to the specified torque.
Axle torque : 5 5 - 6 5 N· m ( 5 . 5 - 6 . 5 kg-m,
4 0 - 4 7
(8) Tang
( 1 0) Speed o m eter gear box
Fit the caliper over the disc taking care
not to d amage the brake pad s . Install the
caliper mounting bolt s and tighten to the
recommended torque
3 0-40
( 3. 0 -
4. 0
kg-m ,
2 2 - 2 9
ft -lb ) .
Measure t h e clearance
( 1 1 )
between the
each surface o f the b rake disc
( 1 2 )
the caliper holder
( 1 3 )
with a
0. 7
m m
2 8
in ) feeler gauge (se e sketch ) . If
1 4 )
inserts easily , tighten the axle
holding nut ( 6 ) to the specified torque .
Axle holding n ut:
1 5 -2 5
N · m ( 1 . 5 -2 . 5
kg-m ,
1 1 - 1 8
ft-lb ).
If a torque wrench was not used for
installation, see your dealer as soon as
possible to verify proper assembly.