Honda Sensing
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS)
The system may automatically shut off and the safety support indicator (amber) will
come on under certain conditions. Some examples of these conditions are listed
below. Other conditions may reduce some of the CMBS functions.
P. 403
Environmental conditions
Driving in bad weather (rain, fog, snow, etc.).
Sudden changes between light and dark, such as an entrance or exit of a tunnel.
There is little contrast between objects and the background.
Driving into low sunlight (e.g., at dawn or dusk).
Strong light is reflected onto the roadway.
Driving in the shadows of trees, buildings, etc.
Roadway objects or structures are misinterpreted as vehicles and pedestrians.
Reflections on the interior of the windscreen.
Driving at night or in a dark place such as a tunnel (due to low-light conditions,
pedestrians or other vehicles may not be detected).
Roadway conditions
Driving on a snowy or wet roadway (obscured lane marking, vehicle tracks,
reflected lights, road spray, high contrast).
Driving on curvy, winding, or undulating roads.
The road is hilly or the vehicle is approaching the crest of a hill.
CMBS Conditions and Limitations