Remarkable as the Five Year /100,000 Km No
Nonsense Warranty is, there are some things about it
that make it even more so. For instance, you pay
nothing extra for this extensive coverage. It’s as much
a part of your new Honda as the wheels and engine.
Also, there are no deductibles to pay should your
Honda ever require repairs covered by this warranty.
And, if you sell your Honda before the warranty
expires, the Honda Five Year /100,000 Km No
Nonsense Warranty transfers to the new owner - at no
charge. A welcome fact that can make your Honda
worth even more at trade-in time.
A check list of all the items covered by the Honda
Five Year /100,000 Km No Nonsense Warranty is
shown on page 8.
Honda Warranty Protection Makes Power Train Components a Minor Concern.
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