Folding Rear Seat
The back of the rear seat folds down
to give you direct access to the
trunk. Each side folds down sepa-
rately. With only half the seat folded,
you can still carry a passenger in the
back seat.
To fold down either side of the seat-
back from inside the car, use the
master key in the lock on the rear
shelf. To fold down the driver's side,
turn the key clockwise, fold down
the seat-back, then release the key.
To fold down the passenger's side,
turn the key counterclockwise and
perform the same procedure.
To release the seat-back from inside
the trunk, pull the release under the
rear shelf. Push the seat-back down,
then let go of the release.
To lock the seat-back upright, push it
firmly against the rear shelf. Make
sure it is latched in place by pulling
on the top of the seat.
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