Check the operation of your car's
exterior lights at least once a month.
A burned out bulb can create an
unsafe condition by reducing your
car's visibility and the ability to
signal your intentions to other
Check the following:
Headlights (low and high beam)
Parking lights
Brake lights
High-mount brake light
Turn signals
Back-up lights
Hazard light function
License plate light
Side marker lights
Daytime running lights
(Canadian cars)
If you find any bulbs are burned out,
replace them as soon as possible.
Refer to the chart on page
determine what type of replacement
bulb is needed.
Headlight Aiming
The headlights were properly aimed
when your car was new. You should
check their aim if you regularly carry
heavy items in the trunk. Each head-
light assembly has horizontal and
vertical adjustment indicators. These
are set to their "0" positions after the
headlights are aimed at the factory.
To check these settings:
1. Make sure the fuel tank is full.
Park the car on level ground.
2. The driver or someone who
weighs the same should be sitting
in the driver's seat for all checks
and adjustments.
Load the trunk with the items you
normally carry.
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