Possible side effects and skin reactions
Use of mē could result in possible side effects.
These reactions are rare and should resolve within a short time .
However, every cosmetic treatment may involve some degree of risk .
Possible rare reactions are described in the table below with the recommended
action .
The reaction
Recommended action
Colour or textural changes to the skin that
may be permanent
May occur either at the time of treatment or after .
If there is no improvement within 24 hours, consult
your doctor
Redness of the skin
May occur either at the time of treatment or after .
If there is no improvement within 24 hours, consult
your doctor
Itching of the treated area
Cool the area with cold compresses (but not with
ice or ice packs). If the itching continues, consult
with your doctor
Acne outbreak
If there is no improvement within 24 hours, consult
your doctor
Blistering or burning of the skin
Cool the area immediately with cool/cold
compresses (but not with ice or ice packs) Contact
your doctor
Permanent scarring or loss of skin tissue and
depressions .
May occur either at the time of treatment or after .
If there is no improvement within 24 hours, consult
your doctor
Unusual pain occurs
Stop treatment and consult your doctor