HomeBraceGermany UG
Konrad-Hornschuch-Str. 67 | Halle 24, C1 | 73660 Urbach
+49 7181 20741-0 | [email protected]
18 Important for users
18-01 Operation
Please note all the information in this operating manual before starting operations (especially items 01 to 17)! The applica-
tion will run only if the control box is connected� Messages will appear if the control box is not recognized at the USB port�
You can make the application window larger or smaller but these changes will not be saved in eccapp�ini�
18-02 Activation
Eye focus must first capture Key1 and then Key2� The feedback is all buttons green (=active mode)� Eye focus must conti-
nue to be inside the ECCApp range, otherwise the buttons will time out after a defined interval (FOCUSTIMEOUT)�
18-03 Activating wheelchair operating modes
modes To switch wheelchair operating mode, activate Key1 and Key2, then hold focus on one of the four central switch
buttons, which will then automatically switch the switch relay in the set interval (SWITCHPAUSETIME) and set switch-on
time (SWITCHONTIME) until the focus leaves the button� Drive commands can now be given directly without re-activating
18-04 Driving
Following activation of Key1 and Key2, the chosen drive buttons can be focused on to give drive commands� When the eye
focus leaves the drive buttons, the wheelchair stops�
18-05 Customizing the user interface (Version 3�0 and higher)
Adjust button size
Press „Shift“, „Control“ or „Alt“ on the keypad to switch to Edit mode (the
exit button now shows the word „Edit“)� Press the „Edit“ button and drag
the edges to resize the buttons� To quit Edit mode, press Exit Edit�
Change image content
Right-click to change button content (default: arrow, key or number)�