TysonBio TB100 display
1. Date
2. Time
3. Control solution test: Appears when doing a control solution test and marking the
result as a control solution test.
4. Temperature message: Appears if your meter is out of operating temperature range.
5. Memory symbol: Indicates memory mode.
6. Units of measurement: Unit of mmol/l or mg/dL will appear with the test
7. Battery symbol: Appears when the battery is low or must be replaced.
8. Blood drop symbol: Flashes when it is ready to apply sample to test strip.
9. Warning symbol: Appears when result is
out of range of your setting reference value.
10. Alarm function symbol: Appears when the clock alarm is set.
11. Test strip symbol: Appears to tell you when the meter is ready for testing.
12. Day average symbol: Shows the average value of test results.
13. Test result area: Display test results.