Holt Integrated Circuits
------------ Utilities -------------
Press 'r' or 'R' to Display Dev0 or Dev1 HI-2130 Registers.
Press 'w' for Memory Watch window
Press 'f' Reads J4 connector and FPGA control signals
Press '1' for Register Write
Press '2' for Memory Write
Press '3' RT Mode Code data word reads
Press '4' Master Reset and reinitializes terminals
Press '5' Toggle Dev0 BCENA on/off
Press '6' Toggle Dev1 BCENA on/off
Press '9' Set RT addresses
Press '0' Toggle between User and Demo(default) modes
Press 'M' for menu, or press any valid menu key. >>
Note: For a -1F card (one HI-2130) the upper case commands will not be presented on the console
In the following descriptions some commands such as ‘r’ will have an upper case ‘R’ equivalent
command for the second device. Some of the examples are shown for Dev0.
Command ‘r’ displays the devices system registers by name and value. This is useful for checking register
Command ‘w’, Memory Watch window reads 256 words starting with location 0x0000 of each device.
This is useful to see all the system registers at a glance. Using sub-commands allow moving up and down
in memory space. This is more useful to see large areas of memory such as RT control blocks, BC
message lists or interrupt log tables.
Command ‘1’, writes to a system register 0x0000-0x004F by device.
Command ‘2’, writes to any register/memory 0x0000-0x7FFF by device.
Command ‘n’ commands the BC to transmit 15 messages.
Use command ‘n’ or ‘N’ to command the BC to transmit 15 messages. If an external RT is connected to
the break out board and the address is 3 the external RT should receive 15 messages. Nothing will be
shown on the console menu. To verify the BC is transmitting, un-connect the external RT and enable an
internal RT using command ‘b’ and also Press ‘k’ and ‘t’ . These commands enable RT3 of Dev0, so RT
traffic data is displayed on the console after message reception. When command ‘n’ is pressed, the RT
traffic data should be shown, similar to what is presented below. There is no menu command to disable
an internal RT once it’s been enabled but the card and program can be reset by using command ‘4’ to
start similar to the state when the Demo program is first launched.